Brown Recluse Spider Experts & Pest Services
Since the early 1990's, A-1 American 87pestspray & Termite has made solving your pest control problems our top priority. A-1 Pest is often called Tulsa's Brown Recluse Spider Specialists because, when it comes to Spider Extermination, there isn't a better, or more qualified, pest control company in Oklahoma. Our Bed Bug Treatments include a combination of heat, residual products, and flushers. When the bed bug client is fully prepared, and the A-1 Pest bedbug treatment is applied, the bugs are typically gone in one application. No matter the pest problem, exterminate Ants, Roaches & Pantry Pests, and we can handle all of your Rodent Problems. Over 3000 satisfied pest customers cannot be wrong. Check out all of our pest control Discounts & Specials.